Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Big First Day

What a day! Jack was up at 6:00 AM dressed and ready to go for his first day of kindergarten. "At least now I won't be late!" he exclaimed as he came up stairs. The picture of him on the stairs was taken just after that, thus the bleary eyes.

Aidan knew something was up. He's been sleeping very lightly lately. He needs reassurance. It's almost like he's afraid he will wake up and we'll be gone. This was his first day at Sandra's without Jack, an important step for him.

We had a little scare this morning. The middle/high school bus came through just as we were coming outside to take pictures. Rookies that we are, I picked up Aidan and told Jack to run. After hitting the neighbor's yard we realized that those were some big kids getting picked up.

When we finally got to the bus stop (Jodi was doing her hair), it was obvious that the parents were much more nervous than the kids. All of their parents to see them off made it seem like a holiday. Watch the video closely and you will see Jack holding neighbor friend Mikayla's hand. Until, that is, she proves too slow and he takes off without her.

It was amazing. Jack was grinning ear-to-ear. He never looked back until he was on the bus next to the window with two girls. Then we saw one huge smile. Amazing!

Monday, September 3, 2007

TP'd on Labor Day

The neighbor boy moved into his college dorm yesterday. For a going away present his friends TP'd his house. I'm not sure they thought this one through. He never saw their work in person, which is a shame since they did such a fine job.

His parents were gone. When they pulled up Jodi asked the dad if they had an extra toilet paper. His reply: "That's the last time I leave you in charge."