Monday, August 6, 2007

Mississippi River- One Mile From Headwaters

This picture was taken when my brother and I canoed downstream from the headwaters to the first canoe landing on the Mississippi. We didn't go very far, maybe 1.5-2 miles, but it took us nearly three hours. Partly, because the first 100 yards was only inches deep and we were scrapping gravel as we went.

This picture shows the final third of our trip where the river and surrounding wetlands narrow between two stands of trees. It is interesting how the river changes in this short distance. As I mentioned it begins with a gravel bottom about ankle deep and 15 feet across with pines crowding close to the river. After a few hundred yards it deepens in narrow channels but the river grows much wider and more marsh-like with cattails and occasional algae blooms. The river widened so considerably with island stands of cattails that made it hard to find the way.

At times we weren't sure if we'd make it through to the landing or have to paddle back where we came from. But everytime we rounded a corner a path opened up before us. The most difficult part of the trip was crossing a beaver dam in the widest portion of the river we canoed. The dam was quite long with water rushing through gaps in the sticks. The picture below shows an obscured view of the dam after we crossed it. We simply climbed out of the canoe, stood on the dam and pulled the canoe over and hopped back in.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

For Only 23¢ A Day This Boy Can Have Arms

Jodi has often accused me of being "all Mr. Nice and sweet" in front of everyone only to turn into an ogre when it's just us. Maybe. But if that is true I blame my mom.

She is well known among my brothers for this. She would be frothing-at-the-mouth angry at us boys for fighting or breaking something or breaking something while fighting only to have the phone ring and answer in her sweetest, most compasionate voice, "Hello."

The boy you see above also fits this description. He may appear to have no hands, but they are there. And most likely they're holding something of yours you don't know is missing yet. At today's reunion the young master was at work.

Aidan climbed up the deck steps arms behind his back, blond hair bobbing among Jodi's gathered family. He tilted his head. He smiled. He climbed on Nana's lap. He told them "I want to go home with you." Collective "ahhs" were heard and "what a sweetie."

He has them all fooled. After they left Jekyll became Hyde. As I tried to vacuum the floor he repeatedly unplugged the vacuum cleaner.

"Aidan." I called out as I lost power. Power resumes and fails. "Aidan!" Power back and ... gone. "Aidan!!"

He also insisted on eating a granola bar as he toured the carpet I just vaccumed. Some nights bedtime doesn't come soon enough. Although he does look pretty cute sleeping.