Saturday, January 20, 2007

Going for a Swim in 1943

January thoughts of jumping into a lake lined by verdant summer trees seem as distant as the date of this photo. Time and climate make it seem like a half-forgotten dream. This was taken in 1943 on an unspecified Alexandria lake.

This might be Lake Henry before it closed. The city park beach re-opened since the water quality has improved in recent years. It should be law that all Minnesota lakes are swimmable. There's no reason why anyone should have to think twice about jumping into a lake in a state where swimming weather is so precious.

As kids Mike and I swam in the backyard pond a couple of times. This was before the pasture the pond is in became overgrown with ash trees. The water level hasn't been nearly as high since they took over. Mike and I caught tadpoles by hand but we had to take a bath outside afterwards. I think Mom worried about runoff from the cow pies.

Dad has an aversion to water. I think it is because of the time he nearly drowned while tubing behind a boat driven by his good pal Larry. Since then he's kind of shied away. Even at Itasca when we jump off the pontoons, I can tell he's worried.

His grandson though loves the water. Jack has been taking swimming lessons since he was 2. During the last two trips to Itasca he has jumped off the pontoon in the middle of the lake to doggie-paddle around in his life jacket. A summer day for Jack isn't complete unless he has gotten wet.

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