Friday, January 5, 2007

Last Official Work Day Off (until Mon, Jan. 15)

The last day home alone with the kids. It's been fun- most of the time. Aidan can get a bit cranky if you don't feed him enough and fast enough. Jack demands explanations and attention.

The two boys don't always play well together. Once or twice a day they get along, but it's more of an alliance to destroy and annoy. It usually involves Aidan doing something silly and/or dangerous (biting a toy, jumping off something, eating something inedible) that Jack thinks is funny causing him to laugh which causes Aidan to repeat. Thus, a chain reaction ensues.

It's fun to watch in that amused and detatched innocent bystander sort of way. When Dan The Parent regains consciousness it's time to close the bar and call the cops.

Today's Plans...

I called the local Electrical Inspector to get the official seal of approval from the State Board of Electricty of Minnesota. He hasn't arrived yet despite my frequent looks out the window (damn door bell isn't fixed yet). Once he's done I can call the city and officially be done with the lowerlevel project.

Jack gets to skate with the Wild tonight at the Xcel Energy Center. Should be cool to watch. It's amazing to see Jack grow up. Two months ago he could barely stand on the ice. This weekend he'll skate at the X, practice Saturday, and play a game on Sunday at Thaler Center.

Today's News ...
I hear Mike Tice is interested in coaching the Gophers but can't because he doesn't have a college degree as required by the U of M. I think he would be a good choice. He is a teacher and a motivator. He is someone that recruits and player can literally look up to. I can just see him in a maroon sweater vest with a pencil behind his ear. Tice's arm on the shoulder of a pimply quarterback telling the kid that 100,000 screaming Michigan fans are nothing compared to his wrath. All he needs is some backwater school to give him an honorary degree.

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