Sunday, January 28, 2007

Out and About

From time to time Jodi and I look at each other and comment on how much we enjoy living in the metro area. Today we didn't say that, but I felt it (and I know she did too).

One benefit is our community center. We're working on getting there 12 times a month each to get a $40 monthly refund from our health insurance. If we make it the whole year it will pay for our membership. Today Jodi hit 12 and I made it to 11.

After Sunday School this morning we packed up Aidan and traveled to Jack's hockey game after lunch. He loves playing in the games and seems to be getting a sense of how to play the game. Today I noticed he was always posititioning himself on the bench to be first on the ice for line changes so he could be first in line to play defense. I'm not sure if he was trying to emulate Dusty or if he was sick of the other team scoring goals and was going to do something about it. I think the coaches noticed him doing that. Jack mentioned one of the coaches gave him some tips on how to stop oncoming offensive players.

He got really close to scoring today. There was a loose puck in front of the opposing net, he saw it, skated to it, and skated right past it. If he would have timed it a bit better he probably would have scored. No matter. We were very happy with his attitude and effort today. He really seemed to be enjoying himself and didn't get sucked into the pushing and shoving that some of the kids were doing today when they got frustrated or caught out of position.

After the game we went to our next destination: Ron and Connie's house (a favorite for both boys) Nana and Papa are going to Hawaii tomorrow with them tomorow so we went to see them off. Aidan was quite content to play with Nana on the floor in the kitchen tonight. That was until Dane and Cole came. Once Dane got there Aidan was busying testing how much he could touch him. When we told him to only touch his feet he repeatedly pulled off Dane's socks.

It was a fun night. When it was time to go the boys didn't quite understand what traveling to Hawaii entails. Nana said, "We'll see you in a couple of weeks." To them that pretty routine during the school year. To help them understand we talk to them about what they might be doing now. Are they on the plane? Are they eating out? Are the on the beach? Are they eating out?

What will be fun to see is how the boys react when Nana and Papa come back looking like a couple of baked beans.

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