Monday, January 8, 2007

Digging up Pictures of the Past

I found this picture at the Minnesota Historical Society website. They have thousands of old pictures with Minnesota connections. I was hoping to find something familiar to the farm, but the sheer quantity of photos is overwhelming.

I typed in Douglas County and over 600 matches came up. Everything from pictures of old downtown building to postcards of early 20th century resorts. I'm hoping to find something interesting to purchase. All the photos are available to buy as jpegs, or you can get them sent developed in varying sizes. It would be nice to have a few for the house or my desk area at school.

I got started on this because Jodi wants a picture of the Minneapolis skyline to hang up downstairs. I'm determined not to buy some tired out, standard skyline picture. I'd like to find something a little more unique.

I read a couple items on Iraq from the Washington Post via Slate.

1. Over 22,000 Iraqi civilians and policeman died violently last year. Two-thirds during the last 6 months.

2. Wesley Clark wrote that in Kosovo (a successful military intervention) there were 40,000 troops for a population of 2 million people. To equal that for Iraq we would need 500,000 troops.

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