Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sometimes You Feel Like a Nutt ... Sometimes You Don't

Dad's cousin Mike Markuson might be changing jobs after all. With Bill Parcells retiring. Jerry Jones might consider hiring Houson Nutt to coach the Cowboys. Jones is an Arkansas alum whose love for Arkansas runs so deep he once brought in Clint Stoerner to play QB for the Cowboys.

So I see 5 scenarios for Mike (listed from most likely to least).
1. Nothing changes. Nutt stays at Arkansas.
2. Nutt gets hired, brings Mike with to Dallas.
3. Nutt gets hired, Mike stays with Arkansas (possibly to a loftier title)
4. Nutt gets hired, is not brought with to Dallas, Arkansas hired a new coach who brings in his own staff (yuck-thanks Parcells for waiting 16 days)
5. The NCAA adopts Jay Weiner's proposals from the Jan. 13th Star Tribune and football is abolished at the collegiate level.

According to a man from the UK, yesterday was the most depressing day of the year. Apparently winter weather, Christmas debt, failing New Year's resoultions, fading holiday memories, and lack of motivation don't contribute to a chipper disposition.

The guy devised a formula with the different variable expressed an in equation(expression?). I do see an error though. He did not take into account the Sick Kid Quotient or the Bunny-Induced Shrub Destruction Index. Pretty shoddy.

At the O'Brien house things are status quo. Jack is still sick (although much better) today. I knew he was still sick because of two events: 1) He woke up coughing at 2:30 this morning and needed to be nebulized. 2) When we woke up this morning at 6:00 on the couch downstairs he said "Dad, I love you. You're my favorite person in the world." So obviously ill.

So another day home. The boys played really well together and were able to constuct the toy moziac on the card table that you see in the picture. It looks like he's at a flea market.

Also, Jodi and I both received the results of our wellness screening. It consisted of a survey and a blood test. According to the survey results her cholestrol is 11 points lower than mine. When she read that the first thing she did was scream for joy then she said, 'I've got to call my mom."

She's very healthy but her lack of vegetables per day, glasses of water per day, body weight, and other habits dropped her down on the survey report to below the national average in health for someone her age. However, the blood results put her at the highest level of health on the scale in that report.

The moral
1. She didn't cheat on the survey like the majority of women did.
2. Blood tests don't lie.

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