Saturday, February 3, 2007

At Least It Feels Warm in the Ice Arena

It is bitter cold today. The mercury has congealed into sludge somewhere around -20ºF (-29º C). One could be tempted to skip hockey practice and lie under a pile of blankets watching the natural gas meter spin and listen to the furnace run without interruption.

But we went. Feeling adventurous, I took out The Rumbler and let it warm up for a good 15 minutes. Even after the lengthy idle it still complained when I accelerated.

As for hockey practice, it went very well. Jack skated hard and did almost all of the drills. He decided to do the backwards skate station twice and skip the puck handling drills. After practice I bought him a Twix bar and went to pick up his friend Tanner for an afternoon play date. When I brought Tanner back to our car, Jack had saved half of his candy bar for him. What's going on? No breaks on the hockey bench and sharing chocolate?

The kids played well in the basement, they got me downstairs to play hockey with them. When I stopped to look out our egress window I found the Bush Bane- the rabbit that has assaulted our shrubs lay there frozen stark stiff. He must have fallen down and could not get out and froze/starve to death. So my plan of procrastinating took care of our rabbit problem.

Big plans tomorrow. Mom and Dad are coming down for Jack's game and Mike, Choe, and Suki will come after we get back. Right now Jodi's cleaning the house and making Chex Mix by the bushel. Now our house smells like the Quaker Oats factory in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. There is no way it will all be eaten tomorrow. She'll have to freeze it in five gallon buckets.

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