Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ice and Snow

The snow did come. It didn't start until after 9:00 Saturday morning, but the weather people were right. It snowed large, fluffy flakes that looked like white bits of insulation. It wasn't easy to determine how much we got since it was blowing so hard from the east. Even today I see parts of our yard that are nearly bare or exposed old snow.

Thinking ahead, I went out to shovel Saturday night after supper. I thought it would mean less snow to shovel in the morning if it snowed all night like they said it would. I decided to shovel it to the west end of the driveway on account of the wind. However, when we all went out this morning, we saw that the snow pile I made last night acted like a fence and stopped the snow from blowing to the neighbors yard. In the end, we had just as much snow as Steve across the street.

As I wrote, the whole family helped out. With three shovels and four people I had to problem solve to keep the boys happy. That's why you see pictures of Jack with a window scrapper on the front steps. Aidan loves to shovel as long as the snow stays off of his face and out of his gloves.

Tonight we took Jack to the Skate With the Varsity Hockey Team Night. All of the squirt, mite, U-8 girls, and termites had a chance to meet the players. Aidan doesn't do hockey games well, so we hired the babysitter to come over. He was happy.

When we walked in to the rink the players autographed a team photo for him and he registered for some raffle prizes (he won a Wild pennant, cup, and hat-which Jodi had just bought). Once he registered he ran to the locker room to get out on the ice with the older kids.

It was a little nerve-wracking. They had the heavier pucks out (Jack uses a lighter puck for his level) and I could here them banging off the boards. I was sure he was going to get a puck off the forearm or in the gut, but he didn't. The worst that happened was getting laid out by "a big orange guy." One of my 4th graders saw he was hurt and helped him off the ice.

He was awesome out there. Tonight was the best I've ever seen him skate. I think he was really pumped up to be out there with the big boys. His form has improved so much and he whizzed through a puck relay where they had to zig zag around the cones with the puck, do the same coming back, and pass off to the next kid. I wasn't so sure about how he would do when I saw him lined up for that drill. He was one of the smallest 3 skaters out there (out of 75 kids and 25 varsity kids).

Later he had a slap shot drill where the coaches used a radar gun to gauge their speed. The varsity kids were hitting about 70 -75 mph. Jack didn't hear what he got, but it must have been at least 10 mph. Jack's favorite was the varisty vs. kids game. The rink was divided in half with a game on each end.

All the while Aidan was at home playing with the sitter. Jodi and I were impressed. The sitter had him fed, in his pajamas, and changed when we got home. That earned her an extra $2 on top of her base pay.

All-in-all another fast, fun weekend. I'll post more pictures when I have more time.

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