Monday, January 15, 2007

Snowy Day

Today had a snowy start. The driveway had 4 or 5 inches of dry, powdery snow to clear off. It seemed strange to see it. This was the first time I actually shoveled the driveway this winter.

So this morning the boys had a chance to play outside. They both love it. Strangely, they really enjoy shoveling off the driveway. Aidan can barely function in winter clothing. He's like the kid for "Christmas Story." When dressed he cannot put his arms to his sides.

I have today off because of MLK Day but had to run to Chaska to have a "Wellness Screening." Our health insurance offered a chance to have your blood pressure taken, blood drawn for tests, and answer an electronic survey on your health.

I wouldn't be suprised if all of my survey answers and test results go to some health insurance database where they use your information to tailor a policy with benefits for things you'll never need and omit things the test results show you will need. But conspiracy or not, I was curious what my cholesterol is at.

So I went. Packed the family in the van at 7:00 AM and made the slow, snowy way to Chaska. It never ceases to amaze me on days like this at the number of jerks on the roads. The roads are obviously snowpacked and slippery so it's best to slow down on hills, corners, intersections, etc.

We met a car driven by a friend at an intersection. She was driving about 40-45 on a narrow, slippery county road that curves back and forth with steep ditches. As we waited for her to pass through the intersection at our stop sign, we noticed the number of cars following her, and following her closely. There must have been 12-15 each one tailgating the one in front of it.

Back to the screening, Blood pressure 120 over 80. Good. Better was the comment from the lady taking my blood pressure. As she slipped the instument up my arm she commented "Oh, you've got some muscles there." Yes ma'am. I do. I'll get the rest of the results in 3 weeks.

On the way home I bought gas in Victoria for $1.89 a gallon. I haven't paid a $1.89 since July of '05.

Having another day off makes me feel guilty until I read the following about our president at

According to an unofficial count kept by the White House correspondent for CBS, President Bush has now spent 365 full or partial days at Camp David, reports the Post's Al Kamen. As of Jan. 1, the president had also spent 405 full or partial days at his ranch in Crawford.

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