Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thanks Arne!

I was browsing the Minnesota Historical Society website tonight. There is a section called "On This Date." According to the MHS on this date in 1994 all schools were closed by then Governor Arne Carlson on account of extreme cold.

If I remember that day correctly it was a Monday and I was a freshman at SCSU. I stayed an extra night at home on the farm and went back with Chad Dahl and Jerry Tischer Monday afternoon after it warmed up (to -40ยบ). I remember helping on the farm that weekend wearing googles outside because of the cold. I think we skipped cleaning the calf pen that weekend.

At home tonight I hear snow scouring the windows and the wind blowing from the northwest. It's cold out, but not nearly worthy of an Arne Carlson declaration.

I could see Will Steger teaming up with Arne for his Global Warming talks. Imagine those two going to the local Lutheran churches. Will's talking about thinning arctic ice, while Arne would be giving the testimonials. "Back when I was governor it was so cold we canceled school because we were afraid the kids would shatter at the bus stop. Ventura was cuddled up with is horses trying to keep warm. I remember John Marty trying to pass a bill to buy sweaters for hibernating bears. Nowadays kids don't even wear jackets in winter."

Did you know? 1982 State Auditor's Race: Carlson 55%, Paul Wellstone 45%-Wikipedia.

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