Wednesday, March 21, 2007

O'Brien Update

Jack finished up his first season with a flourish. He had 2 practices and 3 games in the span of 8 days. Of course, this included the big Termite Jamboree.

The Jamboree stressed us out a little bit. Being first time hockey parents we didn't know how strict or relaxed the parent volunteer duties were. With family coming to town we didn't want to be stuck sweeping the stands while company waited at home. In the end it all worked out. We did our part and Jack had a blast scoring a goal during the Saturday game and playing Sunday in front of 12 family members.

As if that wasn't enough hockey, we watched the Cedar Rapids cousins play Saturday afternoon and evening at the Parade Ice Garden in Minneapolis. The pace was a little faster than what we see in Termites.

It's not totally over, yet. The team party is the 31st at a bowling alley.

The Boys
They continue to grow and do new things. Jack received his acceptance to the Kindergarten Extension program (All-Day Kindergarten) at his school. Aidan's vocabulary continues to grow. They've both been sick once or twice this month and the house seems a little too small right now. It's time for warmer weather.

March is a busy time for Jodi and I. We both have parent-teacher conferences this month. A total of 4 nights plus preparation. Not a huge commitment, but more time away from doing the things we like to do.

My spring break is half over and Jodi's is next week. Tomorrow we go to see Suki's gymnastics practice and Saturday we go some neighbor friend's for supper.

Jack starts soccer on March 26th (picture night).

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