Saturday, August 4, 2007

Rainy Day

The first rainy day of the summer seems like a good time for a new posting. As the rain soaks the grass, the kids are playing downstairs. Having an older cousin stay with the boys has kept them busy. Since Thursday night we've visited the community center twice, had ice cream, went to Caribou after hockey practice, ate at McDonald's, stopped by Jodi's school, and rented two movies.

Today is the calm before the Reunion Storm. Tomorrow Jodi's side of the family will gather at our house. She's been busy baking and cleaning obsessively. I pity the first person that smudges the counter. It will be a nice time. After a refreshing rain it is supposed to be sunny with light wind and temps in the low 80s.

The bridge coverage continues. Most interesting to me is the Governor's openness to a gas tax hike after vetoing the idea a couple of months ago. Either he is feeling the political pressure to do something or he is just now understanding the amount of work that has to be done around the state.

I saw a small item from the Wall Street Journal about privatizing roads and bridges. Steve Malanga is the columnist that writes for that idea. I couldn't get access to the WSJs website to read the entire article but it seems a mistake to me to put corporations in charge of our road system- almost as big a mistake as not funding our roads sufficiently.

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